Kathryn Keats On Teaching

I work everyday for you to live your dreams. See now, that’s my real answer. I work for my fellows. Sometimes it feels like a fight. I fight for artists coming up after me because I’m intent on making sure you know that someone wants to hear what you have to say. I want to know what’s going on with you in between your craft. I’m working to make sure you are able to explore your authentic self; spiritually, creatively and emotionally, so you’re able to ignite that unstoppable fire in your art. I work so you understand that you matter; your craft matters. I work for you.

Kathryn Keats

One thought on “Kathryn Keats On Teaching

  1. Dear Kathryn,

    FAAAAAAABULOUS website!! You must get a lot of work from it in many forms!!!

    By the way, remember my friend, Brenda? You were so kind to her…THANK YOU!! Well, apparently, she is in rehab, which is a big step in the right direction for her…

    Hugs, ** and Ciao for now,


    Leslie Ehrman De Palo

    Cell/Text: 415.235.1853

    We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience.

    We are spiritual beings going through a temporary human experience.

    ~~ anonymous

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